Let’s face it; looking good makes you feel good. So, if you’re one of the estimated 29-million Americans who could benefit from wearing hearing aids, finding a device that enables you to stay fashionable should be high on the agenda. While function is always the priority, an experienced audiologist will understand your desire for a hearing aid device that suits your summer style. Here’s all you need to know.

Hearing Aid Devices Have Evolved

The hopes of finding fashionable hearing aids were very limited in previous generations. Thankfully, the modern landscape is far more pleasing. Not least because there is far greater versatility. As technology has evolved, manufacturers of hearing aids have been able to design far more discreet devices without compromising on their functional capabilities. In the ear (ITE), behind the ear (BTE) and in the canal (ITC) have all benefited from modern developments. In fact, it is now possible to get invisible devices that are virtually undetectable by other people.

However, hearing aids do not have to be a cause of embarrassment or something that should be hidden. On the contrary, they can now be used to create a bold fashion statement, especially by the growing number of children and young adults that wear them.

Fashionable Hearing Aids: Design Features

One of the chief reasons for the growing fissionability of hearing aids is that the market is blessed with an extensive range of products and design features. Atlantic Audiology works closely with many of the top manufacturers on the market to deliver the best devices available. An audiologist will help you navigate the marketplace to select a fashionable solution that reflects your personality and style.

When seeking a discreet device, opting for a compact design that matches your natural skin tone and is molded to your ear will stand out as the best choice. Aside from the visual elements, it will deliver a comfortable fit. Even if you want the comfort of a personalized mold, hearing aids are also available in a range of colors. In the same way that people wear headphones as an accessory that’s instantly noticeable, bold-colored hearing aids can provide the same rewards for your summer fashion.

To truly stand out from the crowd, hearing aids may also be designed with a patterned appearance. Additional features include bedazzlements and jewelry. Charms can attach to the hearing aid to bring a visual enhancement to the ear lobe or the back of the ear. Meanwhile, many devices are compatible with jewelry items that look like traditional earrings. In this case, the ability to add some sparkle to the ear while integrating the hearing aid is a wonderful thing.

An audiologist can discuss color choices and design features to help find the best hearing aids for you. Whether you want a subtle look or something that increases awareness of hearing loss while simultaneously removing any stigma attached to wearing hearing aids, there will be several possible solutions.

Top Tips for Styling Hearing Aids with Summer Fashion

The fact that hearing aids users now have many options should open the door to plenty of fashionable options. Still, a conscious effort to see the best results will be necessary if you wish to take your confidence and comfort to new heights.

While an audiologist can provide a full consultation to discuss this and any other issues you may have, the following fashion tips for summer should serve you well:

  • Visit an audiologist that will provide a fitting appointment. A tailored design and fit will boost your confidence while also making the hearing aids look fashionable.
  • When opting for bold-colored designs, consider having several molds made. This will enable you to match the hearing aids with your outfit of the day.
  • Consider having two pairs of hearing aids of different styles as this will help you find a practical and visually pleasing choice for every occasion.
  • Choose bedazzlements and jewelry pieces that can be matched to your necklace, bracelet or other fashion accessories.
  • Wear headbands, hairclips or makeup that match the color of your hearing aids to create a more complete look.

Finally, you must always keep your hearing aids clean and protected. Dirty or damaged hearing aids will have a negative impact on your look, regardless of how great they looked when you first purchased them.

Whether you suspect that you need hearing aids for the first time or wish to purchase a more fashionable device to support your summer style, Atlantic Audiology is here to help. Contact our team of expert audiologists at (401) 262-0170 to learn more.

Tags: hearing aid styles