Hearing aids are something that you want to be careful with if you’re going to wear them regularly. You want to make sure that you’re doing everything possible not to do damage to them, especially as some types can be particularly valuable and costly to replace. With that being said, are they something that you should repair or should you get them replaced completely if damaged? If you’ve damaged your hearing aids, then here is some helpful advice on what to do when that happens.

How do hearing aids get damaged in the first place?

Hearing aids are easily damaged. They’re fragile and easily broken because of how small they are, especially those that are visibly discreet. They can be mistreated easily and covered in dirt, grime and also earwax. Moisture can also be highly damaging. This can be especially so if you’re someone who gets a fairly big build-up of earwax in a short space of time. Basically, you need to be very careful when it comes to looking after your hearing aids because they can be easily compromised if you’re not careful.

Is it better to repair or replace your hearing aids?

When it comes to repairs, they’re fairly common for most hearing aids and a lot of audiologists will be able to help in repairing and fixing most issues. However, you’ve been experiencing multiple trips to the repair shop, then it might be suggested that you replace your hearing aids completely. It might be that you’ve damaged them too much that any repair work is going to be minimal in the difference it makes.

However, replacing your hearing aids isn’t always the best option, especially as it can often be more costly. There are some questions worth asking yourself to check whether a repair is best for you or a replacement is needed.

Are your hearing aids custom made?

For many people, custom-made hearing aids are preferred because they tailored specifically to their ear shape and to the requirements and needs that the user has. If that’s the case for you, then chances are it’s going to be a lot easier to just repair them than getting them replaced. If you’re replacing them, you’ll have to go through the whole process of getting them custom made again and this might take a while depending on how quick the company is that you use. 

Has it been a while since you got them for the first time?

Just like anything you buy in life, there will come a point where they get so old that they need replacing. Hearing aids are electrical devices and so their shelf life might be limited depending on how well you look after them. It might not just be the fact that they’re damaged either. You might find that if you got your hearing aids at a young age, then you may find that your ear shape has changed and therefore they don’t fit properly anymore.

If that’s the case, then it’s definitely worth getting them replaced if you can.

Are your current hearing aids working for you?

You should think about whether or not your hearing aids are actually working for you in the way that you use them. Whether you wear them every day or you just wear them in certain scenarios, you want to consider whether they’re meeting your needs or not. If they’re not, then it’s probably best to get them replaced, rather than getting them repaired. The chances are that even if you did repair them when it was needed, they’re not going to be the perfect fit for what you need them for.

Do they break regularly?

Hearing aids will deteriorate over time and there’s only so much repair you can do until they end up becoming more costly over time in comparison to just replacing them. If it’s only happened once, then repair them but if they’ve been breaking regularly, then it might be time to just get rid. There’s really no point in spending your money because the likelihood of them breaking again might be reasonably high.

When it comes to hearing aid repairs or replacements, it’s always best to consult the experts. So, if you’re after some advice on what might be best for you, get in touch with Atlantic Audiology at (401) 262-0170. They can help figure out what the best option is for you and your hearing aids.