It might take up to four months to become used to your hearing aids and fully utilize them. Small effects will be noticeable straight away, but patience is required. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your progress, please contact your audiologist. Hearing aids are typically required to be changed many times throughout the trial period. This is a collaborative effort, so don't be scared to speak up.

Be Realistic

Remember that your hearing loss has been progressive; over time, you have lost your capacity to hear specific sounds in the speech spectrum as well as regular environmental sounds such as traffic and wind noise, factory hum and other background noises.


These noises will be recovered when you start using hearing aids, but your brain will need time and re-education to selectively focus on and filter sounds. Some noises may shock you at first. Remember that your brain will re-acclimate to these sounds over time.

Hang Tight

Getting used to hearing aids takes time. Wear them as often as possible at first to improve your ability to recognize sound direction and to understand which hearing aid settings work best for you in various scenarios.


It is possible that the transition phase may be exhausting. It's similar to retraining a muscle that hasn't been used in a long time. However, after you've made the adjustment, the rewards will be well worth it.

Using hearing aids to address hearing loss is a crucial step, but it is not the end of the process. Getting used to hearing aids is more like learning to drive than learning to read with new glasses. It is a process that requires time, dedication, education and patience.

Thousands of hearing aid users have utilized the following strategies to effectively transition to better hearing health:


Strangely, the first step is taken before getting hearing aids. Accepting your permanent hearing loss prepares you to get the support you want to begin your road to improved hearing.


Step two is making a personal decision to improve your hearing while maintaining a good attitude. Getting hearing aids does not guarantee success. To overcome hearing loss, you must be eager to learn and determined to improve your hearing skills. Those who approach hearing aid use with a positive mindset have a far better chance of success.


Personal education is the most effective treatment for hearing loss in step three. The more you understand about your hearing loss and management, the more actively you can engage in your hearing aid adjustment. Hearing needs more than just the ears. It is a complicated function that necessitates the collaboration of your brain and other senses.

Realistic Expectations

Setting realistic expectations is the fourth step toward success. Hearing aids will improve your hearing, but not completely. Concentrate on your progress and keep in mind that the learning curve might last anywhere from six weeks to six months. Practice and dedication are required for success.

Learn How to Deal with Auditory Confusion

When you first start using hearing aids, your brain will be surprised to receive messages that it has been lacking. The brain needs time to reacquaint itself with the high-frequency sounds of speech and ambient stimuli.

It might be difficult to re-acclimate your brain to actual sound after years of distortion produced by hearing loss. Your perceptions will improve over time when the actual noises of ordinary life are reintroduced into your mind after years of not hearing them.

At first, all noises will sound quite loud. In comparison to other noises, the exact tone of the telephone, the sound of your clothes rustling as you walk, the whoosh of your air conditioner or the hum of your refrigerator motor will feel loud. As your brain continues to prioritize these noises, they will re-enter your subconscious.

Many audiologists advocate listening to books on tape to develop hearing and comprehension. Rest if it is too exhausting in the first several weeks. Then try once more. Reach out for assistance and stick with it. You won't regret it.

For support with your new hearing aids, and to learn more, speak to our qualified audiologists here at Atlantic Audiology at (401) 262-0170.